Cast-in-Place Concrete National BIM Standard Phase One: Information Delivery Manual

Cast-in-Place Concrete National BIM Standard Phase One: Information Delivery Manual

This project will take the first major step in realizing interoperability standards for reinforced concrete construction in buildings by developing the National BIM Standard for cast-in-place (CIP) concrete. The scope of Phase One is to define CIP concrete workflows and activities in a process map. Project data exchanges between activities will be identified and documented, and the exchanges will then be specified in terms of their information content. These content definitions become exchange requirements for information exchanges specified in IFC and later implemented by software companies. These requirements are termed the Information Delivery Manual (IDM). The process for developing an IDM is described in A Guide for Development and Preparation of a National BIM Exchange Standard, published by the Charles Pankow Foundation and PCI in 2010. The proposed work builds significantly on existing research and products recently developed for the precast concrete domain.